Vision and Values

Our Vision

RDaSH nurturing the power in our communities

Our Values

Derived from work undertaken with service users, carers and other stakeholders, our values describe how we will act while delivering the mission, in providing services that are:

  • Passionate
  • Reliable
  • Caring and safe
  • Supportive
  • Open
  • Progressive

Our Strategy

Our 2023-28 Trust strategy sets out our ambitions over the next five years. By delivering these ambitions we seek to improve health and care for local people and support our people and teams to thrive at work.

The strategy, and how we work to deliver it, will be framed around our five objectives.

Those are to:

  1. Nurture partnerships with patients and citizens to support good health
  2. Create equity of access, employment, and experience to address differences in outcome
  3. Extend our community offer, in each of – and between – physical, mental health, learning disability, autism and addiction services
  4. Deliver high quality and therapeutic bed-based care on our own sites and in other settings
  5. Help to deliver social value with local communities through outstanding partnerships with neighbouring local organisations.

28 Promises

Beyond the five objectives, the strategy is based on 28 promises that we will deliver. A handful of these are existing national, regional, or local collaborative priorities.

RDaSH-Clinical and Organisational Strategy--2023-2028

Click to view our Strategy 2023 to 2028